What is Shiatsu? Shiatsu is a traditional Japanese healing art which stems from the same oriental roots as Acupuncture. This ancient form of bodywork uses “finger pressure” designed to heal and promote health by influencing and improving the state of “KI” (life force or energy) in the body.
How is Shiatsu performed? Typically the Shiatsu practitioner observes the client and completes an interview and comprehensive evaluation. The client then lies on a padded floor mat, while the Shiatsu practitioner uses their hands, elbows, knees and feet to apply pressure to the meridian energy lines of the body. Stimulation of the acupressure points combined with stretches and rotations of the limbs helps to release blocked energy or areas of tension thus deeply relaxing the body. By working with specific meridians and pressure points, balance and health to the whole body can be restored.
What do I wear for a session? Clients are encouraged to wear loose comfortable clothing without belts or buckles. Besides a comfortable padded futon, cushions are used to support the body when postural problems, pregnancy or disability require it.
What does Shiatsu feel like? Shiatsu usually leaves one feeling deeply relaxed, and energized and more able to cope with stress. After a Shiatsu session it is beneficial to rest afterwards and to avoid strenuous or stressful activities. The effects of a session may be felt immediately or later on in the day or even several days after a session.
Who can benefit from receiving Shiatsu? Those who want to maintain good health, vitality, and stamina and those who want to address the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of themselves. It is also effective for a wide range of disorders and chronic conditions, including:
>Backache and pain
>Tension headaches and Migraines
>High Blood Pressure
>Menstrual problems
>Muscular tension or stiffness
>Depression or Anxiety
>Exhaustion or fatigue
>Low immunity
>Digestive problems
Stepping Stone Massage
1660 Elizabeth St.
Schenectady, NY 12303
Lorraine A. Calleri, OTR/LMT
(518) 878-8108