What is Myofascial Release Therapy? MFR is a very effective bodywork technique that provides sustained pressure into myofascial restrictions to eliminate pain and restore function.
What is the MFR system? The body is made up of fascia or connective tissue. The fascia is a specialized system of the body that has an appearance similar to a sweater or a spider’s web. It is a one structure that exists from head to toe without interruption. Since it surrounds and at-teaches to all structures, it plays an important role in the support of our bodies. In a normal healthy state, the fascia is relaxed and has the ability to move without restriction.
What happens when we experience physical trauma, scarring or inflammation? The fascia then loses its pliability. Trauma, injuries, surgeries, habitual poor posture and repetitive stress injuries are all cumulative and have an effect on this fascial system which then can produce significant pain and restriction of movement.
How is MFR performed? The therapist evaluates the client’s fascial system by observation and palpation. During a session, clients experience a variety of stretches and postures to maximize the stretch of the fascial system, thus overall body movement is facilitated. Clients are encouraged to wear shorts and a t-shirt or tank top for this type of bodywork.
What does MFR feel like? During the slow sustained pressure into the body, the clients may be encouraged to ‘take the brakes off’ and let the fascial system ‘unwind’. Sometimes a lot of movement of the body results, and sometimes very subtle changes can be felt. You may deeply relax or even fall asleep; at other times you may talk a great deal or experience some emotions. You may feel rested or rejuvenated afterwards.
Who can benefit from MFR? It can help alleviate a range of injuries, pain and dysfunction, including:
>Migraines and headaches
>Chronic neck and back pain
>Post-surgery recovery
>Repetitive stress injuries and tension-related problems
>Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome (TMJ)
>And many other conditions
Where can I get more info?
1-800-327-2425 (1-800-FASCIAL)
Stepping Stone Massage
1660 Elizabeth St.
Schenectady, New York 12303
Lorraine A. Calleri, OTR/LMT
(518) 878-8108